Thank you for your concern - a bouquet of roses, gerberas and chrysanthemums
If you want to admit to their feelings and to share with his girlfriend, the warmth of his heart - the best way to order a bouquet of services. Original floral composition is a reserved tones. The beauty of variegated pink gerberas and roses will appreciate the young girl. The purity and tenderness give delightful alstroemeria, which even in the form of a cut-off continue to bloom and smell.
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Payment and delivery
Flower delivery service in Grand-flora valid under Russian law, and guarantees you 100% service! If you contact our company you will be protected from any situation, as we will provide you with the following types of guarantees.
COMMENTS ABOUT Bouquet «Thank you for your concern - a bouquet of roses, gerberas and chrysanthemums»
Olga / г. Новотроицк г. / 08.10.2022bouquet rating:Очень красивый букет, сайт рабочий, обмана нет, если нужны цветы с доставкой, то это пожалуй лучший сервис. Достоинства: много композиций, есть что выбрать и цена недорогая. Спасибо
Alevtina / г. Нижний Новгород / 08.12.2020bouquet rating:Благодарю за качественно выполненную услугу! Цветочки великолепные!
Marat / г. Вологда / 05.10.2020bouquet rating:Молодцы!!!! Мама была просто в восторге от Вашего подарка! Доставили все в срок без лишних слов!!! Успехов Вам и Вашей Компании!!!
Владимир Устинов / г. Выкса / 19.09.2020bouquet rating:Удивительно точная передача настроения, повода и цветовых предпочтений! Праздник удался! Ирине большое спасибо за помощь.
Alyona / г. Владимир / 14.09.2020bouquet rating:Спасибо за букет и за внимание со стороны сотрудников компании. Для букета не хватало белой альстромерии, мне перезвонили и согласовали замену на тюльпаны другого цвета. Очень круто, спасибо!
Таисия / г. Кропоткин / 11.09.2020bouquet rating:Спасибо большое! Все понравилось, особенно хотела отметить оперативность выполнения заказа и его качество!
Valentine / г. Сызрань / 30.08.2020bouquet rating:Благодарю, цветы очень понравились, небольшой букетик, но все свежее, что самое главное и привезли в оговоренные часы.
Anatoly Zhukov / г. Черемхово / 30.07.2018bouquet rating:Many thanks for the timely execution of orders, with the courtesy of beautiful girls who talked with me, for a beautiful bouquet and for your work. You are best !!! You give people happiness and smiles. Once again, thank you very much!
Zilya / г. Сибай / 24.07.2018bouquet rating:Many thanks for the excellent service and operational work, as well as a great opportunity to give people a piece close to the heart of your attention!
Christina / г. Еманжелинск / 20.08.2017bouquet rating:I wanted to make a friend Gift flowers delivery to Voronezh. Order a bouquet sincere tenderness. We did everything beautifully and accurately. To flowers ordered more candy and bear, all delivered in a gift bag. Very priyatno.Spasibo you for your service!
Olga / г. Кисловодск / 01.06.2017bouquet rating:I ordered a bouquet for his grandmother in Novocherkassk. The result is brighter than the photo, but still very beautiful. With a bouquet ordered another Korkunoff candy and a bottle of champagne. Also made of handmade card. All this is laid down in a separate package- beautiful little thing but nice)) Overall very satisfied with your work. I am your customer!
Madina / г. Махачкала / 15.09.2016bouquet rating:I want to thank your company for the timely delivery of a stunning bouquet of our little birthday girl !!) I pointed out in its request for comments on the selection of colors included in the bouquet of lilies - our girl loves the color pink !! And you take into account my wish !! Stunning pink gerbera, fresh, it's so nice that you are really working from the heart. We, unfortunately, have become wean from it. You are great professionals! Thank you for your work, that gives people pleasure! And, your work seems to brings joy and you))) Good luck and prosperity !!
Yury Vasilenko / г. Алапаевск / 14.08.2016bouquet rating:Use your service for the first time. All the time and quality! Was satisfied, the receiving party of course too! Thank you
Alice / г. Петров Вал / 11.08.2016bouquet rating:Thank you very much for the very fast delivery of orders and operational work of managers
Svetlana / г. Ангарск / 29.06.2016bouquet rating:Thank you very much for delivery of flowers and baskets of chocolate in Nyagan. Birthday girl delight even shed a few tears! Very grateful to you for the joy donated
Dmitriy / г. Грозный / 16.01.2016bouquet rating:Thank you for helping to bring joy to a distance of an important person for me!
Olesya / г. Нижнекамск / 19.08.2015bouquet rating:Many thanks to the service delivery Grand Flora bouquet delivered very quickly and the wonderful flowers! As well, there is such a necessary service - make a nice family living in another city!
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